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Has Anyone Taken Selegiline? Side Effects? Did You Like It?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Selegiline, also known by its brand names Eldepryl and Zelapar, is a prescription drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat motor symptoms in people with Parkinson’s… read more


A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

My loved one has been taking Selegiline for two years, as an add-on to Sinemet. Recently his neurologist prescribed Lexapro. He took it for a week and was not doing well at all. I Googled the two meds and they seem to interact badly with one another. Has anyone else taken both? I don't know why a movement disorder specialist would prescribe both if they are contraindicated.

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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Ask your pharmacist about the interactions and if they their is a problem, call your doctor ASAP.

What Is That Med Never Heard Of It

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Could you please specify which medication you are referring to? There are several mentioned in the context, such as Azilect, Trihexyphenidyl, Mirapex, Nuplazid, Seroquel, Eldepryl, Cogentin, Parlodel… read more

Is It Bad To Have Too Much Protein?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

For people with Parkinson’s disease, consuming too much protein can interfere with the effectiveness of certain medications, such as [[treatment:Levodopa/Carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]]. Here are… read more

Selegiline... Has Anyone Else Used This Drug? How Did You React To It?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Selegiline, also known by its brand names Eldepryl and Zelapar, is a prescription drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat motor symptoms in people with Parkinson’s… read more

Which Foods To Avoid When Living With Parkinsons

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism – An Overview Read Article...
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I was diagnosed with PD in 2017. Now take Rytary. I’m fortunate to have a prescription plan that pays for a 90-day supply with me only having a copay of $25.00
In the recent past I’ve had many… read more

Diet Or Metabolic Issues That Cause Or Help With Relieving Symptoms

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Here are some dietary and metabolic considerations that can help manage symptoms of Parkinson's disease:

Dietary Considerations
- Balanced Diet: A nutritious diet can help maintain a healthy weight… read more

Additional PD Medication

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

At what point in a person's life with PD is it correct to add additional medication to the Sinemet? What are the signs to look for. This is such an up and down disease.

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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Here are some additional medications used to treat Parkinson's disease (PD) and its symptoms:

Dopaminergic Medications
- [[treatment:Levodopa/Carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]]: Often the first… read more

Is There Any Food Or Drinks That Is Bad For A PD Patient?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Yes, there are certain foods and drinks that people with Parkinson's Disease (PD) should be cautious about:

- Alcohol: Can intensify side effects of Parkinson’s drugs, including dizziness and… read more


A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

Is it better than other forms of Segeline. And is anybody trying a supplement based program

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

So true! A reminder that many supplements have ingredients that may cause interactions. Supplements do not always meet the same standard scrutiny that medications that are examined and researched… read more