I've Read Where Exercise Is The Biggest Thing We Can Do To Prevent The Progress Of PD. But That Some Exercises Can Actually Exacerbate It.
What exercises will exacerbate Parkinsons?
I dislike exercise very much but feel i should do my part in slowing the progression if I can.
What Type Of Exercise Do You Do For Your Parkinsons,
I would like to hear from you all as to what form of exercise you do, walking, gym, floor exercises at home etc etc.
Exercise bike, outside bike swimming,walking ,small weights stretching
Should I Encourage (strongly) That My Husband Get More Exercise? He Has Exercises To Do From The PT, But Says He's Too Tired. Seems Weaker.
I do dishes dishwasher enter and exit Them and put them up in the cabinets. Helps my wife out to she works still..
My Husband’s Having More Difficulty Standing And Keeping His Balance. He’s Also Falling More Often. How Can I Best Provide The Support?
To support your husband with his balance issues and prevent falls, consider the following strategies from the knowledge base:
1. Home Adaptations
- Remove tripping hazards like throw rugs.
-… read more
What Exercises Are Recommended To Help With Parkinson's?
Exercise is a personal choice. You choose an activity that you enjoy and not likely to quit. Fast walking, exercycle, dancing, boxing, ,
Are There Specific Exercises PD Patients Should Do?
My husband was diagnosed in December at age 69. He has been going to the gym -- mostly walking on the treadmill and using the rowing machine. I'm wondering if there are specific exercises he should be doing and if a trainer would help. Thank you and warm wishes for your journey.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - given all the cancers that have affected first responders at the WTC, I wouldn't be surprised.
I Play Softball. Ever Since I Got PD My Ability To Throw Or Hit The Ball Have Been Weak At Best. Any Exercises Out There To Help Me?
Yes, there are exercises that can help improve your agility and strength, which may benefit your softball performance. Here are some suggestions based on the knowledge base:
- PD Warrior Exercises… read more
How Much Excercise Do We Need To Do?
I exercise 3 x's a week for 1 hour each time. I THIS ENOUGH? How due you gauge it? Hugs everyone Love ya Rosie
Hi Davidak. My husband keeps tight control of the remote so finger exercises on the remote won’t work for me, but I’ll keep that in mind for when he leaves the house.
I Don't Take Any PD Medication. Is There Something I Could Take To Help With My Posture And Balance??
To help with posture and balance in Parkinson's disease, consider the following strategies:
- Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist can improve balance and gait. They can assess your… read more
I Often Hear Exercising Is Good For PD. Can Someone Provide An Example Of What Exercises Work For Them?
I do gardening right now