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Top 10 search results for "Parcopa" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Does Anyone Else Have Excessive Sweating.

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am taking carbi/levodopa and amandine

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

No I do not.she

What Medicines Seem To Increase Hallucinations And Delusions?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Several medications can increase the risk of hallucinations and delusions in people with Parkinson's disease:

- Dopamine Therapy Medications: These include dopamine agonists and dopaminergic drugs… read more

Does Anyone Else Have An Excessive Sweating Problem?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have begun to sweat heavily from my head, face and underarms. I’m talking water running down my face and neck. I’m 71 and this is horrible.

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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Excessive sweating can be a side effect of certain Parkinson's disease medications. For example, Parcopa (Levodopa/Carbidopa) and Stalevo (Levodopa/Carbidopa/Entacapone) can cause sweating among other… read more

16yrs Diagnosed. Carrera Levadopa Not Working As Well Tremor Getting Worse What Are My Options

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

May need to try new med,I think that's no fun

Additional PD Medication

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

At what point in a person's life with PD is it correct to add additional medication to the Sinemet? What are the signs to look for. This is such an up and down disease.

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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Here are some additional medications used to treat Parkinson's disease (PD) and its symptoms:

Dopaminergic Medications
- [[treatment:Levodopa/Carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]]: Often the first… read more


A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

Should I take levodopa if I do not have motor symptoms such as tremors?

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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Hello WiltonHiener2, I’m taking C/L and it helps me with my balance issues. I don’t have tremors just balance/gait issues. I would recommend you try it and see if it helps you. If you have any… read more

Has Anyone Heard Of The New Strip To Put Under The Tongue To Control On-off Symptoms?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

Supposedly coming out in 2017 is something new for the "on-off" symptoms we experience with PD. Has anyone heard of it? Research is being done by Dr. Robert Hauser of the University of South Florida. The new treatment could provide relief to people who wake up experiencing slowness and stiffness, Anyone interested there is a clinical trial in Tampa at the USF Health Byrd Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders Center. Thought this was worth looking into.

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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

no I don't sorry. Bean

Would Anyone Have A Tip On How To Ease The Troublesome Dyscezzia ..I Have No Life I’m On Leavadopa Cardopa Since 2007

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I hear you loud and clear mine gets so bad I have trouble reading because I can't focus and I have trouble typing. Also I have incontinence so I have to buy pads and they are expensive and the sticky… read more

My Constipation Is Bad. After Going To The Doctor And Trying Fiber And Laxatives Nothing Seems To Work, Suggestions??

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm taking 5 levadopa/cardopa tablets 5 times a day w/Amantadine onc a day.

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I asked the same question a while ago. Many suggestions. What is working for me is a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in morning on an empty stomach. I also
had issues with hard stools. This seems… read more

Does Real Cardopa Affect Your Sex Drive?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Parkinson's does.