Has Anyone Used BLACK SEED OIL As A Suppliment?
I haven’t heard of it but reading about it. Very interested in learning more rearchitect etc
How To Get Rid Of Nerve Pain? See Details Below.
How do you get rid of nerve pain in mid Forehead to temple from shingles? No blisters for 4 months.Pain is excruciating. Thank you Does anyone know how long this lasts?
To manage nerve pain associated with Parkinson's disease, consider the following options from the knowledge base:
- Medications
- Gabapentin: Effective for nerve pain in various body parts,… read more
When Having DBS Surgery, Did Anyone Have To Shave Their Entire Head? How Did You Cope If You Did? My Hair Is Important To Me Lol
My Dad with Parkinson’s had DBS several years ago and they didn’t shave any hair what so ever.
Who The Hell Thought This Would Be A Good Idea?
Well, the EU of course. I thought it was just some stupid test, but no. By EU decree, all plastic bottles must now be attached to their lids so that they can be recycled together. Did anyone even think to ask any disabled groups whether this might make it harder for them to take the lid off their pop?
Worse still I always used to attach my lids to the pop bottle anyway. Where the hell else would you put it?
I could write an epistle on the current state of affairs 😱
My personal favorite was a tag hanging off a purse that actually said Vegan material. 👀🤦♀️ I'm assuming that my grass eating cow was not… read more
Cats Xx
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No Driving
My husband was told twice by his neurologist not to drive. Caretakers! How did you deal with this part? He keeps driving so I hid keys but he got a chain from barn and threatened to tear up my van if I didn't give them to him.
His doctor started him on Donepezil but he got diarrhea so he won't even try it again. I keep telling him he should because it could have been a virus. I'm going to show him your post and maybe he'll… read more
How Did You Get Diagnosed With Parkinson’s?
Did you do the circle test, hand writing test, tapping your fingers together test?
Did you pass any of them?
The first test that he had me do is the handwriting test. My writing was so small that it was nearly impossible to figure out what I wrote. No matter how much I tried to force myself to write larger… read more
How Do You Get Rid Of Ringing In The Ears?
Ginkgo biloba
Has Anyone Heard Of Focused Ultrsound For Tremor- Dominant Parkinson Disease? If So Did You Have This Procedure Done And Did It Help You?
How Did You Feel When You Was First Diagnosed?
I was diagnosed in Jan 2024. There is lots of info out there. You can learn a lot from this site. The one thing that books can't teach, is how to live with it. That you can get right here!! I've had… read more